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sad boy Vaporwave Aesthetic Japanese E girl Long Sleeve T Shirt

The increased population naturally led to the sad boy Vaporwave Aesthetic Japanese E girl Long Sleeve T Shirt expanding its area as well. The West End continued to attract the wealthy; not only due to its proximity to Westminster, but because of the prevailing wind. The fuel of choice for heating and cooking was now coal, shipped down the coast from Newcastle. With going on for a million people burning coal in their fireplaces, the air quality declined sharply. Since the wind usually blew from west to east, anyone who could afford it bought property on the west side of town. The poor, meanwhile, moved to cheaper houses in the East End. By the end of the 18th century and beginning of the 19th, London had some of the worst slums in the world — but in many cases these were remarkably small and compact in size. You might be walking down a perfectly respectable residential street, turn the wrong corner, and find yourself in a pit of human misery — decrepit, tumble-down houses with multiple families crammed into each single room, unpaved streets with raw sewage running down the middle, and everything blackened with soot from the ubiquitous coal fires. The inhabitants of such ‘rookeries’, as they were called, mostly had to make a living out of crime, begging and prostitution.

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