Charm City shirt

Charm City

Another great exposure experience for some of our Project Pneuma boys. We were invited to a viewing of the new film Charm City and a Charm City shirt with some of the main participants in the film. This is a film by Marilyn Ness. Being a Baltimore guy it hit me hard and I pray that the boys see why we work so hard to help change the trajectory of their lives. It also reinforces the major need for funding for Social and Emotional Learning Programs like Project Pneuma. We have to intervene while they are young. Thank you for the connection Ganesha. Big shout out to Under Armour for the tickets.

Charm City shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Charm City
Guys Shirt
Charm City
Ladies Tee
Charm City
Guys V-Neck

John Maine treated us all to a suite in Camden Yards to see our beloved redsox whoop up on the O’s. And while not all of our family is redsox fans, it was a night of fun and Charm City shirt proving that peaceful co-existence in sports can indeed still be fun. And this morning’s breakfast found us all saying so long until the next good time together. I love our family. A special thank you to my hard working husband for providing a night we won’t soon forget. Our fearless and humble leader. I fall more in love with you everyday.

Best Charm City shirt

Charm City
Ladies V-Neck
Charm City

We enjoyed our Holiday Vacation, but it’s great to be home in Charm City. Here is a quick time lapse from yesterday, Sunday morning at sunrise. As usual, best Charm City shirt in HD. One more thing. For family members this Christmas, I printed wall calenders using photos of Baltimore that I shot over the past year. I have been receiving some requests from friends that want to purchase calenders. I will probably do this if there is enough interest.

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