Elly De La Cruz Cincinnati Reds Cruz missile art shirt
When different Western European pagan cultures were evangelized to, the Elly De La Cruz Cincinnati Reds Cruz missile art shirt (the traditional Catholic order of missionaries) tried to be mindful of not needlessly erasing new disciples’ culture. These disciples only needed to abandon the sinful parts of their culture, to follow Christ. Unfortunately, some of these parts slipped through, effectively syncretizing Catholicism somewhat with these pagan religions—hence, veneration culture; undue fixation on Mary the mother of Jesus; etc. However, the intent at least was always to keep from putting unnecessary burdens on new disciples’ backs. These evangelizers were looking out for those they were taking under their wing. In that sense, these peoples’ cultures were actually preserved: at least far more than they would have been, were their newly Christian-identifying constituents required to make themselves Hebrew and Greco–Roman. So no, these festivals were not “hijacked.” It is merely that masses of people who had once celebrated them decided not to observe them, or their religions comprising them; and decided to celebrate other things, with the guidance and consideration of their disciplers.
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Many of the Elly De La Cruz Cincinnati Reds Cruz missile art shirt Christmas customs were inherited from older Winter Solstice celebrations—including greenery indoors, feasting and gift-giving. It seems quite likely that the celebration of the birth of Jesus was scheduled at that time in order to piggy-back on existing holiday observances. Halloween is very directly descended from the old Celtic feast of Samhain, when the dead return to visit the living. Modern Pagans observe this and Beltane (May Day) as their major holidays, the Feast of the Dead and the Feast of the Living on opposite sides of the Wheel of the Year. Easter’s Pagan connections are suggested by its English name, Eostara being a Pagan Germanic Goddess associated with the Spring Equinox. The bunnies and eggs probably go back to Pagan times as well.