Valentines day Dinosaur lovesaurus shirt

Valentines day Dinosaur lovesaurus

Ummmm…duh? Dr. Wu *did* admit it, in “Jurassic World”. He said the dinosaurs in the park look “very different” from their ancestors because the park wanted “more teeth” and Valentines day Dinosaur lovesaurus shirt. And Grant himself says in the third movie that the dinosaurs aren’t real, that they’re genetic freaks.

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The main point if the video wasn’t about them being able to create the dinosaurs. It’s that the dinosaurs portrayed in the movies aren’t actual representations of what the actual dinosaurs would have looked like Valentines day Dinosaur lovesaurus shirt. But it puts into mainstream media that “these are dinosaurs” which is enforcing the wrong images.

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Valentines day Dinosaur lovesaurus

This is very wrong raptors had different species some as large larger an a good amount smaller than humans an t r Rex also had cousins like allosarus an gigantisarus so of course they wouldn’t make every dinosaur how they see fit that’s just how they were and Valentines day Dinosaur lovesaurus shirt. They Cleary state that in world that’s the first of its kind so that debunks everything lol

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