That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey shirt

That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey

Look honestly no one I repeat no one cooks for me except for me.. clean for me except me. I don’t want any lady to do my chores.. we ride or die together but look don’t clean my clothes and That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey shirt.. the only thing I say that should submit to me is nothing.. we are partners to the fullest. Call me what ever but a partner that has your back is better that anything in this world.

That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey
Ladies Tee
That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey
Guys shirt
That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey
Guys V-Neck

Maybe she honestly just sounds bitter and That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey shirt. Tbh my fiance pointed out the bitterness of the whole post (reason why I commented 2 times). But imagine being so miserable and corny that you take time out of your to offer opinions to strangers shut yo outta shape “I ain’t got friends in real life” bitch ass up too.

Best That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey shirt

That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey
Ladies V-Neck
That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey

You know, neither were travelling partially fast, the car didn’t even dip when it slowed to a stop, no hard breaking. And there was a 2 second gap between the car and That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch honey shirt. Given the hedge obstruction i can’t think why the car stopped at all, but the rider had ample time to react to it but didn’t. he was even looking forward the whole time. there are these lever things on the handlebars, they are called breaks.

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