I’m sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-Shirt

I'm sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-

I put my son in public school and from the time he was barely preschool age all I heard was, “sensory processing disorder,” “Autism,” “he’s behind,” “poor comprehension,” “lowest percentile,” “doesn’t understand,” “needs therapy,” “needs more therapy,” “needs twelve hours of therapy per week for four years,” “special ed,” “he CAN’T do this and he can’t do that.” As a parent it was exhausting to hear all the I’m sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-Shirt do or would never be able to do and I began to think, if they don’t believe in him HOW could he ever blossom into the brilliant young man I knew he was.

I’m sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-Shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

I'm sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-
Guys V-Neck
I'm sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-
Ladies Tee
I'm sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-
Ladies V-Neck
I'm sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-
Long Sleeved

I began to research homeschooling and at first my husband thought I had completely lost my mind but I knew anything had to be better than walking into the school unannounced to find him separated from the other children, eating alone without help (which he needed at the time), and consistently judged for the way he learned… or didn’t learn. After years of I’m sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-Shirtt in public schools my husband and I finally took a leap of faith and began to homeschool. We made this decision three years ago and have never looked back.

Best, I’m sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-Shirt

I'm sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-
Guys Shirt
I'm sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-

My son learns differently to most and all he needed was someone to stop standardized testing him, stop comparing him to other kids, stop telling him what he couldn’t do and start telling him and encouraging him to focus on the I’m sorry didiroll my eyes out loud T-Shirt. My son can’t count backwards from a hundred but he can tell you how a molecule moves under a microscope.My son can’t read a book but he could tell you the legends of the moon, the constellations and the universe.My son can’t pass a standardized test but he can hike a mountain and tell you all about the wildlife.My son can’t hold a pen properly but he can tell you every kind of bee, where they build their hives and nests, how they reproduce, which flowers contain nectar and how they spread pollen.

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