I’m a March girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve shirt

I’m proof my mommy doesn’t play the legend of Zelda all the time

For those who know better cudos to you but you have a lot of people out there that don’t operate on common sense. The forest fires currently in California prove it. The last example about I’m a March girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve shirt with the waxed matches they did a better job at clearing the area. While they’re at it put leather gloves on to protect yourself from that sharp metal.

I’m a March girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

I’m proof my mommy doesn’t play the legend of Zelda all the time
Guys shirt
I’m proof my mommy doesn’t play the legend of Zelda all the time
Ladies tee
I’m a March girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve
Guys v-neck
I’m proof my mommy doesn’t play the legend of Zelda all the time
Ladies v-neck

There are fires all across the country because I’m a March girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve shirt just like this. There are pictures of people throwing cigarettes out their windows in front of forest service drive ways that have signs saying fire danger very high. Not everyone uses that brain unfortunately. So when showing something like this it should be done with care just in case one of the knuckleheads is watching.

Best I’m a March girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve shirt

I’m proof my mommy doesn’t play the legend of Zelda all the time
I’m a March girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve

My mom used to grab a few extra salt and I’m a March girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve shirt every time we went to a fast food place, and save them. All good ideas but I think the first one would be easier to reuse a laundry soap container. The kind you sit on its side to dispense the detergent. We keep one filled for hurricane season in case we loose water for washing up.

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