I’m a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt

I'm a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine

You gave Amber Rodriguez Fitzgerald and I a code word nearly 40yrs ago! I remember a time when I was very young and your friend went to pick us up from school and I’m a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt. I refused to go until she produced the code word. She was pissed and inconvenienced but you were so proud! Lol. My kids now have a code word too. hopefully they’ll be brave like this Kid if it’s ever needed.

I’m a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

I'm a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine
Guys v-neck
I'm a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine
Ladies Tee
I'm a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine
Guys Shirt
I'm a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine
Ladies V-Neck

Not to minimize the importance of a code word, but shouldn’t we also reinforce that our children should never talk to strangers in cars? Kids have been known to approach these cars, engage in conversation with I’m a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt, only to be thrown into the vehicles!! We need to instruct our kids to not talk to strangers in cars, and not to approach these cars, but to run in the opposite direction!!

Best I’m a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt

I'm a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine

I taught my kids this when they were very young, Also told family and I’m a Arizona girl and a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt. Only the parents, child and code person know the code. Pick an easy code for the kids to remember. I now have 2 grand children who both have know the code since they were young. I worked for the police and one officer didn’t believe this, (and him and his wife were good friends and our kids knew them) This one officer decided to pick my young daughter up one day from school. I said she wouldn’t go unless he knew the code. He tried, she asked the code, he didn’t know but replied you know me, nope didn’t happen! He couldn’t believe it. Then shortly after they had kids..Guess what the kids have codes!!! Please use this, could save your child!!!

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