Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect shirt

Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect

The cross hairs in the picture are caused by a glass screen in front of the film plane and were used by NASA in the early moon shots to scale objects and Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect shirt. They are not in the view finder as some people think because image in the camera view finder is not the same as what is recorded on the film. The cross hairs record as a shadow on the film so it is more difficult to see them on the very dark areas of the picture.

Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect shirt, Hoodie, V-neck, Sweater, Longsleeve, Tank Top, Bella Flowy and Unisex, T-shirt

Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect
Tank top
Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect
Ladie Vneck
Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect
Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect
Guys Vneck
Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect
Ladie Tee
Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect
Guys shirt

Best Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect shirt

OK. If there were multiple light sources, you would see multiple shadows of Down Syndrome Awareness My child is down right perfect shirtt. You can try this experiment at home kids! Turn on 2 lamps, place them a few feet apart, and watch the magic! ! Hell, my 12 year old noticed this the other day whilst playing chess in the living room.

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