Don’t be a Salty bitch T-Shirt

Don't be a Salty bitch

Square-jawed, like her son, she stares to the side Small hands clasp together, monograph in delicate blue barely visible on the lower corner of a wispy handkerchief. Don’t be a Salty bitch T-Shirt! M The suit is lamb shanked at the sleeves, skirt long, feet invisible underneath. She will not stray, despite unrelenting desires. Sitting on the rug beside her is a small dog, Cocker mix, laughing into eternity. The little girl, recently entering her seventh year, has hair plaited so severely that she frowns at tense loops, tied up with dark blue bows.

Don’t be a Salty bitch T-Shirt, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Don't be a salty bitch v-neck t-hoodie, sweater, longsleeve, shirt v-neck, t-shirt
v-neck t-shirt
Don't be a Salty bitch
Don't be a Salty bitch
Guys v-neck
Don't be a Salty bitch
Ladies tee
Don't be a Salty bitch
Guys shirt
Don't be a Salty bitch
Don't be a Salty bitch
Ladies v-neck

She stands next to the chair, elbow leaning on a richly padded arm, head tilted toward her mother. Her skirts are full, petticoats flounced with embroidery. Don’t be a Salty bitch T-Shirt! In her right hand is a toy, a spinning top, circled with gold, an H.G. Welles space ship she dreams of riding on cricket sounding nights in her solemn bed. She will not be still long. It is 1915 & this child will grow into an educated woman. Her many scrapbooks fill with photographs & poste cartes from Cairo, Ethiopia, Arles, St. Petersburg, Rio & the Grand Canyon.

Best Don’t be a Salty bitch T-Shirt

In one of my previous jobs, any attempts to raise burnout due to excessive workload were branded as supposed lack of talent, skills or ability to deal with the workload. Thatโ€™s said about 8 am to 10 pm work days and your manager telling you repeatedly throughout the day that she had to no time to use the toilet. American work longer days, get less vacation time, very little to zero later retirement, and very little to zero medical coverage, and obscenely high school fees. But letโ€™s give the rich 1% 10 trillion something in tax cuts because they deserve it. You have to be aware of the Don’t be a Salty bitch T-Shirtย of burnout, aware that it is making one less efficient, less productive, less effective, and then stop and do the things one needs to do recover.

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