Boy With Luv Shirt

Boy With Luv Shirt

Trans men are men. Trans men that keep their vaginas are valid. The Boy With Luv Shirtis made more beautiful by people living their truths. Sending my love to any trans folks that see this shitty thread. You can @me if you want, but you’ll be arguing with yourself!

Boy With Luv Shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

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Boy With Luv Shirt
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Boy With Luv Shirt
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Boy With Luv Shirt
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Boy With Luv Shirt
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Boy With Luv Shirt
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Boy With Luv Shirt

Good for him! I’m glad him and his baby are both safe and Boy With Luv Shirt. And to all you assholes that are just being so negative, does this person identifying as a man have any impact on your personal life? You people realize that unless this hasn’t popped up in your newsfeed you probably wouldn’t even know it had happened, right? I don’t get why people need to be so mean about shit that doesn’t impact your life at all.

Best Boy With Luv Shirt

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Boy With Luv Shirt
Boy With Luv Shirt 5
Boy With Luv Shirt

I’m confused. A woman was sleeping with a man and Boy With Luv Shirt. But then says they “turned into a gay couple with a baby” why didn’t the man just get with another man? He’s with a woman who wants to be a man, so doesn’t that mean he likes women? And the woman who wants to be a man obviously likes men, so are they really gay

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