Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas shirt

Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas

Most of the time I feel like I be crying on the Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas shirt but I’m not I am More shocked on just what happened to my dad. Do I believe he is in heaven and with God yes I do I am just like wow. Like I can’t believe it. It really feels like a bad nightmare you wake up too text right and left Facebook messages and what not and your seeing saying this isn’t real but the truth is it is real. I don’t wanna believe it but it is.

Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas
Guys Shirt
Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas
Ladies Tee
Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas
Guys V-neck
Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas
Ladies V-neck

I am crying more on the Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas shirt I mean don’t get me wrong I’ve been crying but I just can’t believe it or out of my ears and your sister telling you he is gone and you just don’t know how to feel or react after 13 days my fiancé dad passed away 7 days at the funeral and now this I don’t understand it’s just unbelievable. Like I am just really shocked knowing I miss my daddy but I know he is with Jesus and both of my parents brought us up right even though I know we’re not perfect they are a big example of the reason why I’m the person I am today.

Best Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas shirt

Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas

I definitely do miss my dad so so so much and I wouldn’t trade it for the Baby Jack Skellington little nightmare of my parents Christmas shirt. I love him very much and like I said before Fly Higher in them clouds daddy keep flying. We are strong when you were here and we are still strong even though your not here and there is a piece missing in us but we are still strong we love you dad.

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