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Alibaba is a global business-to-business platform where companies can find and communicate with Chinese suppliers. While it is by far the Born Regal shirt used website for finding Chinese manufacturers, it has a reputation for having a large number of low-quality suppliers. Another website that connects businesses to Chinese suppliers is Made in China. If your company is looking to import industrial tools and spare parts, Made in China is a good option because it offers inspection and reporting facilities. While Global Sources is Alibaba’s biggest rival, it lacks trade insurance. It does have a ranking system and ratings but read them carefully to ensure that you find a reputable online manufacturer. Attending China’s most famous trade show, the Canton Import and Export Fair, is one of the best places to find industrial Chinese suppliers of tools. It is held twice a year in Guangzhou and is divided into three sections: the first is electronics, the second is home decoration and household products, and the third is clothes, accessories, textiles, and office supplies. However, if you are unable to visit a trade show in China, Chinese suppliers attend trade shows in the United States. Trade shows provide an excellent way to visit prospective manufacturers in person, obtain information directly from them, and compare suppliers in person.

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