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Minutes before, Page asked Harris what she and Joe Biden would do if their opponents refused to accept a peaceful transfer of power. Harris deflected as well, saying, “I’d like to say to everybody: Vote. Please vote. Vote early, come up with a plan to vote.” Harris added: “We have it within our power in these next 27 days to make the Black Cat Santa Face Mask 2020 Xmas Quarantine shirt and by the same token and decision about what will be the course of our country for the next four years. And it is within our power, and if we use our vote and we use our voice, we will win.”
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Black Cat Santa Face Mask 2020 Xmas Quarantine shirtHarris refused to Black Cat Santa Face Mask 2020 Xmas Quarantine shirtget pulled into that debate, several times avoiding Pence’s direct questions about Black Cat Santa Face Mask 2020 Xmas Quarantine shirt and I love this Court. Instead, she pivoted with another well-timed zinger. “Do you know that of the 50 people who President Trump appointed to the Court of Appeals for lifetime appointments, not one is Black?” she asked, glaring over at Pence. “You want to talk about packing a court? Let’s have that discussion.”