Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts shirt

Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts

When I got the longboat from Slippery Priest Bend and Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts shirt the village this morning, as you saw me many of you were kind enough to take time out from your busy day to shout questions like “what are we going to do now that tiny-handed orange wiggy bugger is president?” And I got a clear sense of your worry and sadness. Apart from in Mr Lionel Garage of the Harold Independence Party. Yes, you’ve all asked and yes, I have checked with PC Flegg. He can‘t legally be put in a wicker man on the charge of existing while smug. Believe me I am as frustrated by this as anyone.

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Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts
Guys V-Neck
Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts
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Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts
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Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts
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Now one of our closest international friends appears to have gone liketotally batshit insane, omg wtf, as the Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts shirt To that my response is that I believe in America. I believe that the dignity of the office to which he now ascends is such that it could inspire in President-Elect Trumpfar greater kindness and rationality than either we or even he suspect that he could possess. I believe in the system which will remove a bad president from office either through impeachment if, to use the old Viking phrase, he chucks an absolute walloping mungo, or at the ballot box in four years time. I believe that this is neither the end of the world, nor of our friend the United States being a tolerant, decent country allbeit one where you can’t get a decent pint and the network television is so stupid it could induce brain damage in a concrete horse.

Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts
Guys Shirt
Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts

Primitive thinking Trump at it again. Joking about climate change and global warming because it’s a cold day today in Squirrel Trump gone absolutely nuts shirt the USA. Typical of stupid people who can’t grasp anything past their own immediate senses. Like a dog that see’s a squirrel. So for all the Trump nuts who do not understand the truth about global warming and climate change, or the difference between climate & weather, maybe you can grow your mind just a little and learn something.

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