Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man shirt

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I am a fifth-generation Texian without a trust fund, and a New Deal, Give ‘em Hell, Great Society ‘recovering democrat’ who is pro-life and Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man shirt.I am also a genuine Baptized in the Spirit Born Again Orthodox Fundamentalist Reformed Catholic Anabaptist, with some Arminian tendencies.

Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man
Guys V-Neck
Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man
Ladies Tee
Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man
Ladies V-Neck
Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man
Long Sleeved

On my Facebook page, I will post items of interest to me. The Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man shirt the Way of Jesus (orthodox Christianity), ‘Science-ology’ (the mistaken treatment of ‘science’ as a religion), Classic Automobiles, Human and Goods Transportation, Bicycles (especially bicycles used as transportation for humans), the Great American Experiment and the Founding Fathers of such, Native Texas Foods (and the Foods of Native Texans), Art and Architecture, Texas History, Music (Early Music to Roots Music to Jazz to Classical and Minimalist Classical, and everything inbetween), MINI and Morris Mini automobiles, old BMWs (two and four wheels), Fords I remember, 1950s and ‘60s sports cars, and vintage High Fidelity Reproduction (Klipsch, McIntosh, and Frazier being key names).

Best Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man shirt

Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man
Guys Shirt
Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man

I have no tolerance for comments containing threats of violence, racism, vulgarity, profanity, or insulting and discourteous behaviorI will fire one warning shot (deleted post). The Captain Woodrow F Call I hate rude behavior in a man shirt. Trolls are awaste of bandwidth.Thank you for partnering with me to maintain a courteous and useful environment where we can engage in reasonable discourse. I hope you find enlightenment, encouragement, and entertainment here.

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